The look today is best described as “rat-shit.” Didn’t do my hair, eyes are back to “shit-brown.” I decided to give them a break since the colored contacts have been overworn. After I did my face, I gave my overall look a once-over and thought, Good gawd, I really do need more beauty sleep, cuz beauty ain’t one of my descriptors right now. I even got home at a decent hour last nite, barely past 11:30p, and I was up till after 3a unloading on Mike and Jimmy via IM. Mike, like many before him, advised me to not overthink things and get some sleep. Strange thing is, of all the overthinking I can be doing, it is so against my nature that I am presently thinking so little and just going with the flow, and life has been wonderful.

I dreamt this morning I was in a partnered dance competition, and as I stood in my partner’s arms preparing to start, I realized I did not know the routine. I think I began to improvise, and then simply closed my eyes and let my partner lead. It was something to let go of my senses and thoughts and simply trust him to guide me and protect me, and as I swirled in his dance, I was safe.