Diana has a link to a UCLA page that not only has the words to the UCLA fight song, “Sons of Westwood,” but PLAYS it in its full band glory, complete with the cheer

U! (clap, clap, clap)
C! (clap, clap, clap)
L! (clap, clap, clap)
A! (clap, clap, clap)

U-C-L-A! Fight! Fight! Fight! .

My family law reference judge is/was an active Trojan, and his daughter is presently a USC student following in his footsteps. He is away on a judicial conference for the next couple of days, and won’t be back until Monday. So I called his line in his chambers, waited for it to go to voice mail, and played the song in its entirety into his voice mail. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Gawd, I hope UCLA wins this Saturday against USC at the Colliseum. Cuz if we don’t, when the judge comes back on Monday and listens to this voice mail, it’d just be inane. Good thing I didn’t identify myself.

Haha, due to my playing of the UCLA Fight Song in this prank, my bailiff du jour (not my regular bailiff) is now stuck mindlessly humming and whistling the song. HA! Now if I can get this song stuck in more people’s heads… Muahahahahaha!

Update 10:40am: I just returned from another floor. The UCLA-USC rivalry is rampant around here! People (judges, clerks and lawyers alike) are actually wearing collegiate pins and colors and insulting each other in the elevator. I always knew the rivalry was a big thing and I’ve been harassed by judges before coming back from jogging at lunch wearing a “Bruins Unlimited” T-shirt. This is GREAT!