I had a bad night last nite. 🙁 It still amazes me the level of emotional drama people will work themselves into and then throw at me. Thank goodness for being able to just hang up the phone when it becomes obvious that it’s just straight hysteria on the other end, once it became obvious that the person had actually walked away from the phone to have said hysteria, altho I had to deal with the guilt of that all nite. Also, it was freezing last nite. I’m surprised I woke up this morning at all (especially since my alarm wasn’t set — it turns out — all week); I thought I’d die of hypothermia. When I walked out of my bedroom this morning, I realized it was just my bedroom that was THAT cold. My cat was comfortably curled up in his sheepwool-lined cat bed in the upstairs hall, overlooking the lower level, where he can be master of all he surveys. Except that he’s not surveying much beyond the tip of his tail, curled up in a “C”.