Fridays are uncannily bad for me workload-wise, especially on Fridays when I have plans. Well, tonight’s plans include catching a flight on time to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, so that Mr. W and I can board our cruiseship and mosey around the West Carribbean for the next 5 days.

I’m looking at where we are in this courtroom. We’re at the end of a civil jury trial. My jury would likely be deliberating this afternoon. With my luck, they’ll have their verdict in at like 3:50p, and we’d run late into the evening to take the verdict. After the verdict is taken, I have to inventory the exhibits, return them to counsel, straighten out the accounting (the plaintiff’s attorney isn’t current with his trial fees, he’s about 3 days and about $1300 short so I’ll have to bug him and process his payments and notate them in the computer system), close the case, and type in the entire 9-page special verdict form into my minute order. I’m as current as possible with this trial, I have the receipt halfway filled out but I don’t know whether he’s gonna run off again. And after work I need to pack up the last minute stuff like makeup and do a walk-thru with my catsitter and then drive to Mr. W’s. He’s pretty far from the airport and we’ll have to fight traffic going there. California traffic, for those of you not from Southern California, can triple your normal commute time if you’re on the freeway during peak traffic hours (and more and more hours now qualify as “peak”). Lemme put it this way. If I’m going faster than 15 mph on the freeway, I’m happy. But it’d likely be stop-and-go.

I don’t feel any stress yet, but Mr. W’s getting really nervous about the timing.