I’m known for never having food, and for grocery shopping a couple times a year. Childhood friend Sandy and I are IMing…

me: i’m hungry
Sandy: you can crack your head open and still remember shit i’ll never remember
Sandy: so am i
me: okay, want some cereal thru the screen?
Sandy: besides water and milk i only have cat food
Sandy: pretty grose
Sandy: nasty
Sandy: sure… what kind of cereal
me: you can pretend cat food is cereal and have it w/your milk
me: some costco granola crap my mom gave me. hehe
me: and some flax seed thing i got from trader joe’s
me: wait.
me: what’s THIS?
Sandy: illllll .. yuck..no longer hungry
me: I have more food than you???
Sandy: well…. i have cheese
Sandy: i think

Girl bachelors are sooooo sad.