…or opened a can of worms, whatever your favorite expression is.

Remember that Motorola Razr I bought Mr. W as part of his bday present? What happens when you give such a phone to a gamer/techie freak is that he subsequently spends weeks downloading games, music, programs, code cracks, program hacks, etc. for a freaking CELL PHONE. And our conversations dwindle down to stuff like this online just now:

Cindy: Hey, you never called me back.
W: Give me a minute i will
W: involved in very dangerous and delicate phone/computer mod
Cindy: at least you’re not DRAMATIC about it.
W: ssssshhhh!


I bet I don’t hear from him.

Did I buy him the best present or what? This is how you know you got something someone really likes — the object replaces you.