I’m still glummy today cuz yesterday had so many piss-off elements in it. Mr. W, his daughter and I went to Downtown Disney to catch a movie, which wasn’t even that good. Anyway, when the daughter was in a crowd watching a flamenco dancer, Mr. W and I were at the movie ticket counter. He walked toward a movie ticket line, this one chick started walking up and cut me off and separated me and Mr. W. Mr. W stood in line and she stood next to him. Not in front of him with her group of friends, but right next to him, so that I couldn’t get over to him. I looked at her a second and saw that she stubbornly refused to move to let me through. So I walked in front of her to get to her other side. She deliberately stiffened up and stuck her elbow out so that we’d make contact. I didn’t say anything to her, just walked by and didn’t acknowledge her instigation, but then she said, “Excuse you!” I turned and looked icily at her. “Excuse you, for being in my way,” I retorted. She probably didn’t expect me to meet her square in the eyes, because she smiled a little bit but scoffed and said, “You didn’t even say ‘excuse me.'” Wait. You plant yourself in my way, separating me and my boyfriend, deliberately initiate physical contact, and I’m supposed to bend over to you? What do you want me to do , give you toll?! I said, “I didn’t think you’d just stop right there.” With the same weird little smile on her face, she shook her head and said, “Oh, don’t even play that. Don’t even play that.” I forgot what I returned with but Mr. W turned and put his arm protectively around me and pulled me against him. And then he “shhh”ed me! WTF!!! I was not in a mood to be playing with some stupid little girl who wanted to pick a fight, not that she was making any physical sign that she was going to throw the first punch or anything, but if she knew how to read people’s faces and body language, she did smart by not raising a hand. I would’ve made her very unpretty.