You know how when a toddler does something remotely coordinated, such as bend a knee halfway in time with music, or spin around lopsidedly, or almost make palm-to-palm contact when asked to clap, the grownups all go crazy and cheer and compliment the kid, and the kid’s face lights up and suddenly everyone’s watching this toddler just go nuts showing off and repeating movements that really weren’t even that interesting to begin with?

Well, thanks for all your encouragement and compliments on my Hawaii photos! Here’s MORE!

The reason there’s a rainbow on the state license plate:

Some place on the North Shore (I think):

I had to climb a tree hanging over water to get this shot (photos of tree climbing to come; they’re in Mr. W’s camera right now):

(rest mouse pointers over photos for captions. If you’re on FoxFire, you have to right-click and then drag down to the option for alternate text content or something like that.)