Tue 10 Apr 2007
I like this picture. This is from James’ bday shindig some weeks ago. I’m posting it because 1.) I think it’s artsy, being taken in only candlelight; 2.) it reminds me of happier times, before I was sick and sniffling, and before James abandoned us to his wanderlust in Japan; and 3.) if I hold my hands up real close to the photo, I *almost* feel the warmth of the candles, and it helps me ignore the roar of the air conditioning over my head. I can pretend. I mean, there ARE a lot of candles on that cake. Poor James. (Hey, I can torture him; he’s all the way across the globe and probably won’t even see this for WEEKS until he gets back.)
And to think… we were missing a few candles, too! HAHA!
I KNOW!! We should’ve stuck ’em out the side.
Didja read my “secret” caption?
That would’ve have been funny! What would’ve been funnier is if the ribbon on the cake caught fire. Just a little bit 🙂 Oh… the stories that would’ve been told. But I am glad it didn’t because we would have splashed water on it and possibly ruined the cake.
I just did!!! HAHAHA!!!
nothing would’ve happened; it was an ice cream cake, so eventually the coldness would’ve put the fire out. But that would’ve sucked if I had to sip mint chip soup.
I want to see the pic of James’ head on fire..
Jordan – then you should’ve been here! =)
you WERE invited.
He now has a bald spot where his hair caught on fire.
Yeah, he said he’s gonna claim that the spot’s from breakdancing, but I said no one’s gonna buy that a fried friar was doing a headspin breakdancing.
(Not having James here is fun!)
That is one flaming cake!!
Oh, be nice to James. He’s not THAT flamboyantly gay. 😀
Is James gay? For real? I’m SO in Tennessee….
Well, I haven’t seen proof for or against that with my own eyes, but I don’t think he’s gay. Totally unfounded opinion, tho.
OMFG, I disappear for a short period of time and look what happens!!!!
Just so happened to find the second internet cafe. actually im in a library. they said we:re not allowed to read email. but i guess we can blog! woot!
Hey that is a cool picture though. There are a TONs of candles there. Makes me feel old.
And and NOT gay I like girls thank you very much. Dang i step away for a short while and see all the rumors spreading!