I drove up to Mr. W’s place this evening and saw him standing outside aiming his camera at something small in his hand. His next-door neighbor and fellow photography fan was holding a giant sheet of white cardboard-looking thing up against the subject. For lighting, I suppose. Mr. W then played with his photos on his computer while I watched TV and ate some wheat pasta and watched “Malcolm in the Middle” and “The Simpsons” on TV. Finally, I was called into his room where he asked whether the fruits of his labor were blogworthy. So at the risk of looking braggy, I’m posting his work.

Hey look, free advertising for the Lakhi Group’s Pristine Hearts collection! There is surprisingly little information online about this line.

I think my favorite photos are the undoctored ones, #1 and #3. But if you look at #4, his nice camera’s zoom is so powerful that you can actually see the outline of the heart inside the stone.