I think I’ve generated some positive karma in the past 24 hours or so. Yesterday after work, I went over to Vicky’s so we can have a tax filing party. By that I mean we sat there on our laptops in her living room and I did my parents’ taxes while she did hers and then when her boyfriend arrived home, she did his. I left my TurboTax there with her in case she decided to be nice and do her parents’ taxes, too. Haha. We were tax-filing fiends until midnight, when I left to go home.

After I arrived home, I made 4 separate trips from my bedroom upstairs to the the garage downstairs to haul down the four heavy filled-to-the-brim trash bags plus one big box of clothes that I had cleaned out of my closets, with Gym Trainee’s help, last year. (You can read about those antics here.) I was going to donate them but didn’t get around to it, which was a good thing because yesterday I received this email from a coworker:

The brother of a dear friend of mine lost his home to a fire. He was renting and did not have renter’s insurance. He and his 3 children literally ran out of the house with just the clothes on their back. My girlfriend, Irene, and her husband, Matthew, have taken them in so they can get back on their feet.

She asked for my help, and I am asking yours, to see if you have any used clothing for the children. Here are their names and sizes:

Sergio (12 years old) 14 slim
Katelynn (8 years old) 12 regular
Mel (5 years old) 14 husky (he is cute and chubby)

So if you have any old clothes lying around ready to go to Goodwill, please consider bringing them to work and I will deliver them to Irene and Matthew to give to their niece and nephews. If you can help, it would surely be appreciated. If you do not have children’s clothing, as you do not have small kids, you can help by just keeping them in your prayers.

I wrote back to her:
I have 3 giant trash-bags full of old clothes. They were from the ’90s so that was my “dress like a boy in big baggy clothes” stage (in high school). There may be things in there that could be unisex, especially because of their oversized nature and my androgynous taste at the time. The clothes are clean and washed; I had simply cleaned out my closets last year and hadn’t gotten around to getting the clothes to goodwill yet.

I guess I had more clothes than I’d remembered. Anyway, we just did the trunk-to-trunk switch a few minutes ago. My coworker was shocked how much clothing I had. I told her I had to fight Dodo for them, too, because he wanted to play with the plastic bags and chew on the plastic drawstrings. There are tiny puncture marks and tooth marks on the tops of several bags.