I was reading Wilco’s recent post about Super Tuesday and the primaries election (he actually has photos of the ballots when he went to go vote; if he took these himself I can’t believe they let you walk in with a camera), and it reminded me of a conversation I had with Dwaine a year ago in my living room.

Dwaine: Obama is not going to be elected.
Me: You think the country isn’t ready for a black president?
Dwaine: I think the country is more ready for a female president than a black president.
Me: Really!

Although Barack Obama won more states than Hillary Clinton yesterday, Hillary Clinton got the states with more delegates, which is more important in the big picture. One of these states is California. Damn it, damn it.

Despite my opinion about these two candidates and their neck-to-neck race to be front runner for the Democratic party, I was disheartened by the way Obama has presented himself to the average public voter. That thing when Hillary Clinton extended her hand to Obama for a handshake and Obama turned his back to her at the media-heavy State of the Union Address by President Bush on January 28, that was captured in photographs and talked about everywhere. Also, a local but widely-syndicated radio station, 102.7 KIIS FM on the morning show hosted by Ryan Seacrest, invited Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Mitt Romney to come on air the morning of Super Tuesday to address the sector of the public who listen to pop radio on weekday mornings. The only one who accepted the invitation and did address these voters was Hillary Clinton. Obama’s people said he was too busy to call the radio station.
