What a Saturday. Mr. W woke up and decided that it was such a beautiful day that we just HAD to go hiking. So we grabbed his neighbor-buddy, who just happened to have an annual National Parks pass, and drove out to the mountains to hike. Turns out strong ankles and a good sense of balance is really important as we stepped carefully and hopped from rock to bark to rock to cross the rushing streams. The recent California rain made all the water levels rise and the waterfalls were much wider and faster than usual. I did almost fall backwards into the water once, but the neighbor, who spent most of the time behind me (Mr. W was in front leading and I was in the middle for safety reasons), stepped up and grabbed my arm when my ass was a foot from the ground. I managed to keep my shoes and socks dry until the last stream, tho, when some water ran over my left toes and since I was in my running shoes, the fabric upper sucked the water right in. Man, I was pissed. I hate walking around in wet socks. I did enjoy the doggies on the trails, tho… they just jump right into the water all happy and waggy.

After a long afternoon of hiking, we went to Big Mama’s Rib Shack and pigged out on soul food. Good times.

Another progress update on my projects:
* Roof – Friday, I selected my roofer and left a voice mail with the 2nd company thanking them for their professionalism and blamed it on my association that I’m going with another roofer. In truth, the association left it up to me to decide. I went with the more expensive one that seemed to give me more for my money. But I felt incredibly guilty calling off the second company cuz those people were so professional and so nice. In thinking about it now, I STILL feel bad and almost wish I had another leaky roof to give business to them. =P Anyway, the roof job should begin in about 10 days.
* House Hunting – Mr. W found a really nice short sale in a very desirable area nearby to his current home, and we’ve gone over there 3 times this weekend already to look at it in the day, at night, and met my agent there today. The price is right, the inside could use a little work but it’s not bad at all, and Mr. W really likes the house’s potential. The only thing we both don’t like about it is that it has a pool. Ick. But it also has a huge enclosed patio, so can we say, par-tay house? We decided to put our offer in today. Maybe next summer, my bday can be celebrated at home with a house pool party!