This was fun…I received a forwarded text message from Jordan earlier that reads:

FWD: PLAY ALONG: you see me in a police car, what would u think I got arrested for? Answer me, then fwd and see how many crimes you get accused of!

Neato! I quickly responded to Jordan “trespassing. i.e. getting on some private property to take photos.” Like Tiger Woods’ house, which she always makes sure to point out when giving neighborhood tours to her visiting friends. Haha! I then forwarded the text to a bunch of my friends to see what kind of crimes I’d be accused of. Here are the responses:

Jordan: “indecent proposals!!” (note that she doesn’t just think I’m caught on my first proposal, but that I’d make more than one and then get caught. I texted back, “Like I’d offer someone money to have sex with me?” She responded, “yeah like Dwaine…to make an awesome blasian! hmmm is that an offense though?” Jordan and her hopes for an awesome blasian nephew…)
Gym Trainee: “Assault on police” (really? I’m that violent toward authority figures?)
Gamer Bro’s daughter Jenni: “Protesting for a cause” (I can see that.)
Christi (Flip Flop Girl): “Something mischievous like trespassing. You were playing kick the can at midnight on Halloween in a cemetery. To get in, u and Dwaine and other friends scaled a 16ft cement wall with spiked iron grating on top.” (1. Wow, detailed; 2. I’ve actually done something like that, except it was a regular weekend night and it was CalTech; 3. Dwaine’s popular among my girlfriends.)
Childhood friend Sandy: “If you’re sitting next to officer then not arrested at all. If in the back..hmmm you probably just needed a lift bc something happened to ur car….They’re giving you a hand is all. Really can’t see you arrested for anything.” (I texted back, “You know me the best!” She replied, “Of course. 🙂 known you 27 years..”)
Vanessa (Kitty Kat): “Jay says murder, i say u have been falsely id’d.” (I’m not sure what to think about Jay‘s response considering he’s a 911 operator. Maybe he thinks I’m one of those secretly violent types, like Gym Trainee does. I agree with Vanessa. haha)
Bat: “Prostitution?” (Why the question mark?)
Dardy: “indecent exposure” (I wonder which part he imagines I’d be indecently exposing.)
Claudio: “Negligence. Something bad happened in the courtroom while u were [online]!” (=O!! Altho that’s pretty realistic…)
Mr. W: “You’d only be arrested for a crime if you were following after your husband against your will.” (So true. I’ve been yelled at for being where I wasn’t supposed to be, cuz hubby thought it’d be cool to trespass to see what’s off-limits or what cool photos he could get from within where he isn’t allowed to be. I just refuse to follow him anymore.)
Flat Coke & Flies: “Jaywalking.” (Mr. W was with me at lunch when I received her text, and he said, “Again, you’d only be jaywalking cuz you were following me against your will.” What’s so unfair about this is he’ll probably be let off and I’d be the one to actually get arrested.)
Mark (cousin): “I would think you got arrested for arguing with a police officer about some random law. Can you even get arrested for that?” (I bet he got this from the fact that I’m one of very very few people who contested a ticket when Los Angeles is in financial crisis and won.)