The circle is now finally complete, and whatever happens now, I am content.

Mr. W, BOTH kids (each agreeing to participate on their own) and I will be spending Thanksgiving with Mr. W’s parents and local-ish brothers’ families. We rewarded Daughter’s integrity and assistance — for all that she did while we were in Europe — with a nice dinner at one of her favorite restaurants last night, The Cheesecake Factory. Dinner provided the backdrop for a good talk for Mr. W to lay down his cards, connect with his daughter, and have her connect back. She’s on board, good to go. In my mind leading up, this talk was very important to me because it was the final link that I had any control over (I strongly STRONGLY recommended that Mr. W let his daughter in on his plans regarding his son, and resolve any lingering misunderstandings about intent, favoritism, priority, etc.). She had already come to the same point on her own over the weekend while she was visiting friends in San Diego, but it’s nice to clear the air. Speaking of clearing the air, I broke the ice last week between me and the son because I don’t want negativity to fester with him and then he won’t know how to deal with me, so we had this very encouraging exchange of texts.
Me: Hey [Son]! I was thinking about you so I thought I’d say hi.
Son: That’s nice…I hope you’re not still mad at me or anything.
Me: I think the world of you. I think you made one of your poorer decisions that week but you’re still one of the brightest guys with the most potential I know…no matter where you choose to apply your potential. I’m looking forward to hanging out with you [for the Thanksgiving plans].

We continued a little more of the texting talking about the Thanksgiving plans. I’m happy he brought up the “elephant in the room” on his own, because it shows a taking of responsibility and acknowledgment of his behavior. So now hopefully it won’t ever have to come up again.
I also literally cleared the air in the house. After being instructed to sage the house to cleanse it of negative energy, I did it over the weekend, my first smudging ever, with a blue sage and lavender stick that Mr. W and I selected for its cleansing, purifying, healing, and protection. I started with a prayer to connect to God and my higher self, to open good intention, and to ask for help. And I did every room, inside and out, starting east and going counter-clockwise, while commanding any negativity that is not of God and love to leave immediately and be transmuted by the light of God into positive energy. Passing by Dodo who was lounging on the bed, I smudged him a little, too, just for good measure. And I also cleansed Mr. W when I passed him. He was playing with his iPad.

I hope there will always be a circle of fluid harmony wherever I am. And I hope I see it happen at Thanksgiving. How appropriate that would be.