I am now convinced that Allie has colic. Mr. W’s solution to that is to ban me from Wikipedia, but that doesn’t change the fact that Allie has well over 3 hours daily of inexplicable fits of crying — in fact, she could cry 2.5 hours straight at a time immediately after a feeding. She’ll pull off me to cry. Her diaper’s changed, she’s burped and fed, swaddled and cuddled, but she’s angry about something we can’t fix. We finally just let her cry, unresolved, after 2 hours of unsuccessfully trying to calm her down in the wee hours last nite (altho after she did, she slept solidly and went 7 hours between nighttime feedings). The pacifier works intermittently, but within seconds she’d spit it out and wail. If she’s not asleep or eating, she’s screaming and crying. I feel bad for always trying to get her to sleep, but that’s the only time anything could be done when she’s not clawing and scratching the heck out of my chest and deafening me with her red-faced rageful wails. Supposedly colic self-resolves in 3-4 months. That seems like a lifetime away.

P.S. I told a friend today that “I’m doing okay. I’m convinced Allie has colic, and depending on how much rest I’ve had, it sometimes threatens to break my spirit. It probably karmically balances out the extraordinarily easy time I had with pregnancy and labor. Well, I don’t want to ‘owe the universe one,’ anyway. It might decide to take it in the form of a teenage Allie misadventure.”