me: btw, see jordan’s chat box
james: Hahahahahaha nice!
you totally flooded her chat box
me: well, YOU wouldn’t do it.
james: thats cuz im a chicken.
me: bok bok!
james: CockaDooddleDooo
me: chuggaluggachuggalugga
james: Chickens do not go Chugggalgugachugalugga!!!!
me: chooo choooooo!
james: bless you
me: cockadoodledoo sounds like “choo chooo!”
and what follows “choo chooooo” IS chuggaluggachuggalugga
james: people dont go “Cockadoodldoo” when they sneeze!
me: I didn’t sneeze!
james: you said Choo!! chooo!!!
me: I didn’t say AHchoo!
choo chooooooo!
james: buttttt you see
you are the owner of dodo.
dodo says “eow” instead of “meow”
so i figure like owner like kitty
you shoudl say “chooo” instead of “achooo”
me: okay, you ‘tard.
james: 🙂
me: i’m gonna blog this.
james: actually now that i think of it… cockadoodledoo does sound like a train whistle if you say it right
yea you should blog it … I was laughing so hard over most of this conversation
Sent at 11:07 PM on Monday
me: I didn’t even crack a smile. You’re so easily entertained.
james: sigh…
oh well i tried
now i keep saying chugachugachuga
this is all your fault.

4 years each in a University of California institution of higher learning, and we almost have our barnyard sounds down.