I’m in pseudo-costume today. A memo came out to all employees of the Superior Court, as Human Resources sends every year, forbidding us to be in costume if we have to deal with the public (darn, we’re in the middle of another trial), and ordering that if we ARE in costume, it has to contain no dangerous objects (I had to put my porcupine costume with real quills back in the closet), no weapons (there goes my idea of raiding the criminal exhibit closet for murder and assault weapons), and the costume can’t interfere with our job functions (had to nix the costume of being a giant tomato cuz it won’t let my arms stick out more than 2 inches so I won’t be able to reach anything or type).

Therefore, I am here today in a fitted gauzy black top with shoulder and arm cut-outs, hanging sleeves, black pants, and accessorized with my Celtic trinity knot bracelet (the symbol on the Book of Shadows in the show “Charmed”) and an amulet of a dragon holding a 5-pointed pentagram, with a blue topaz stone at each of the 5 points (it’s a Wiccan protection amulet).

No one has said anything about my attire yet (except for my bailiff, who thought I look cute). Either it’s really subtle or it’s expected of me.

See and read about my first Halloween here.