Sometimes I wonder how many great ideas were stopped by an unreasonable scrooge. How much has the world lost out on just because someone’s creative contribution were smothered in its prime by the jealousy of someone just slightly higher on the power ladder?

I was IMing with Jimmy just now about his new 20″ flatscreen monitors that were so cheap that he bought two. He said they were $330 each. I said, “Wow! I want one!” and then I realized I can’t buy one, because my homeowner’s association wants me to fork out another $400 by the end of December to contribute to the costs of repairing the roofs of the other units that had been leaking. I had already given then $1000. I wouldn’t mind contributing as much if 1.) it were tax-deductible, which it isn’t; or 2.) my roof were being repaired. As it is, this is just money given to them without any benefit received whatsoever. None.

Jimmy’s suggestion was, “You should put a few bullet holes in your roof, just to get in on the deal.” I’d never thought of that. That’s brilliant! Since I’m on my laptop in Mr. W’s bedroom, I walked out and asked Mr. W if he’s willing to shoot my roof for me. I came back and wrote Jimmy, “Uh, yeah. He said no.” Jimmy said that it would’ve been a double-plus because I could get my roof fixed, AND I could let off some steam. So I said, “Oh, you mean to have ME shoot my OWN roof! He wouldn’t shoot my roof for me, lemme ask if he’d let me borrow his gun.” So I walked off again. Mr. W’s response was, “Nope. My gun can not be used to shoot anything.” I gave a disgusted grunt, and said, “What is it, just decorative for your hip?!” Without looking up, he said: “Yup.”

I came back and reported to Jimmy that it’s a no-go. Jimmy wrote, “Disappointed, huh?” Truthfully, I’m not sure. The adult side of me (the very small one) is kinda relieved that Mr. W’s not irresponsible like that, cuz I wouldn’t know what to do if he agreed. Yet the silly child side of me is disappointed that not only does he not support me, he doesn’t even PRETEND to play along.

Hee hee hee. 😀 I like being here.