Sorry guys, I just had to put this out there for therapy.

I tread softly in knowledge’s shadow
The trouble with learning is we can’t unlearn
Aye, there’s the rub, isn’t it
I awake in its omnipresence
I choke on it when brushing my teeth
It collapses me throughout the day
Squeezes the air from my lungs in my shallow breaths
Pushes the tears out my eyes
Drains the productivity from my day
Reminds me constantly I am powerless
Steals the colors from around me
Kills the laughter from my past
Isolates me, then shakes me
Unthink me, it taunts daily
Get over me, Ignore me
And it’s too loud, and I’m too susceptible
But I can’t run, I certainly can’t walk
The hows and whys don’t matter
Maybe the way out is
Finding what does.