This is seriously freaky. While I was collecting photos to put in my mom’s photo frames, I had looked thru all the albums at my disposal. I had some fairly recent stuff that I’d taken, and my mom had also assembled my infancy and childhood photos and given them to me in several albums a few years ago. I had enough for my mom’s frame set, but not for my dad’s. I’m doing the same thing for him, in an identical frame, for Father’s Day. The day that I was to go with Vanessa to scan and enlarge the photos for the frames, I found an album, or maybe it was a portion of one, that had a bunch of photos of me in the later elementary school years, which was a stage missing in the collection I was building for my parents’ frames. I remember telling Mr. W over the phone that I’d finished selecting the photos and I had discovered all these pictures in an album that I didn’t know I had and that I was happy I filled in the age gap. That, incidentally, is also where I found the Halloween pictures of me with Vicky and Karen. Now, having completed my dad’s frame, I’m putting the originals away back into the albums. I can not find the album from whence those later elementary school photos came. I’ve gone through my albums several times already, one by one. I’ve scoured my bedroom and the living room just in case I’d pulled the album but didn’t put it back on the shelf. Nothing! Now I have a bunch of scattered photos on the floor and no album to put them back into! Where was this album when I was first searching for photos? And where is it now? Why has it only appeared for one day, the day I needed to make my duplicates? I would be freaked out if it turns out those photos belong in an album that’s still at my parents’ house. Or if I were to go upstairs right now to check the shelves for the umpteenth time, and those loose photos are missing, having evaporated back to the nonexistent space from which they came.

I’m scared now! And all alone! Waaah!