Tue 14 Jun 2005
The 45 minutes of hard cardio I hammered out at lunchtime didn’t revive me as it usually does. I’m just tired and my eyes and skin are sore. I almost skipped the gym today to join my coworkers for a comfort food binge at a local Mexican food restaurant, but at the last minute, I remembered that I’m supposed to give advertising help/tutorials to a friend and his business partners after work, and that my friend had planned to order pizza for the meeting.
Ah, pizza… that’s always something to look forward to and save calories for. Unless the plan falls apart, in which case I may be just as content to clean my house and veg out in front of my bigscreen and order my own pizza.
The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gan aft a-gley. Robert Burns, “To A Mouse”
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