5.3 earthquake centered in Yucaipa about 15 mins ago. I’m not even sure I’m spelling that right cuz where the heck is Yucaipa? Somewhere in San Bernardino.
We Californians are so cavalier about earthquakes. My bailiff and I just talked thru it, sitting at our own desks, not even ducking.

Me: Hey, here’s an aftershock from the San Diego quake.
Bailiff: Yeah.
Me: Hmm. It’s getting bigger. [something on my desk falls over]
Bailiff: This is a Whittier fault line earthquake.
Me: You think so?
Bailiff: Yeah. It’s too big to be a San Diego aftershock.
Me: [pausing with head tilted, feeling the building roll] You’re probably right. Altho we’re in a multi-story building so it probably feels stronger cuz the building shakes.

I also received an email blaming me for the earthquake because I had supposedly written something mean right before the quake happened. “Wow, I’m pretty powerful stuff,” I emailed back.