The Universe, or the Powers that Be, Azna, Jesus, Buddha, the Other Side, whomever you’d like to attribute to our superior forces, is talking to me again. It’s not thru music this time. It’s cuter. It’s through Dove Chocolates.

Yesterday, it was “You know what? You look good in red.” That’s been a sort of discovery within the last couple of years and every time I wear red, I get a ton of compliments from surprised people. Then, it was “Discover yourself.” Well, that’s what I’m trying to do. Just now, in the midst of overanalyzing myself, newly acquired information and how it applies to me, what it all means, how I should prepare or not prepare, and why, I unwrap “Don’t think about it so much.”

The Dove wrapper from years ago is still pinned up at my desk: “The heart has reasons which reason does not know.” It will be joined by “Don’t think about it so much.”