Things to remember (inspired by a conversation w/a friend earlier):
* guys get interested fast, but they also lose interest fast
* situations that run their course quickly also change quickly as they run out of course
* things will run their natural course whether or not I sweat it

That being said, things to look forward to this weekend:
* this afternoon, with a good friend subbing in as my bailiff
* this evening, hanging at Outback after work
* this Saturday morning, Taiwanese breakfast with my college best friend to catch up on each other’s lives
* this Saturday afternoon, meeting up w/a friend I’ve had since 3rd grade, an 80 minute massage at Burke Williams Day Spa at The Block at Orange, and subsequent hanging out, shopping, eating at The Block
* this Sunday, visiting my parents then meeting up w/my ex roommate/ex personal trainer at my house so he can help me take care of a chore, then we’re going out to dinner