By that, I mean not that I worked out at lunch, which I didn’t, but that the day at work worked out.

I’m pretty proud of myself for figuring the system out, both the courtroom and the computer system.

I also had a lot of fun chatting with the bailiff, courtroom assistant and reporter. It’s a blessing to find people who can make me laugh and whom I can connect with. It’s nice to have friends around me.

So now I have to hit the gym after work for at least 2 hours to make up for not going to the gym at lunch. *sigh* At least by the time I get out of here (still have 4 restraining order minute orders to complete), the gym will hopefully no longer be crowded.

My supervisor already pre-apologized to me for putting me back in here tomorrow. Unfortunately, the regular bailiff will be off tomorrow so I don’t know who I’ll have in here. The calendar’s bigger than today’s, and I won’t get as much help with a relief bailiff, so I’ll keep my fingers crossed. But first I gotta check to see if my group got called in for jury service…phone’s ringing right now…recorded message has started…service is not needed and service is complete! Well, that was easy. I have mixed feelings about this, tho… I almost rather do jury duty than another day in family law listening to these people’s drama.