My coworker and I have started this little game. Last Tuesday, I entered my courtroom to find a Hawaiian flower resting on my keyboard. I was gonna top it by leaving 2 wallet-sized “modeling” photos of me at age 21 (2 outfits he said were his “favorites” out of the tons of shots I took in that photoshoot and showed him for amusement purposes) in his desk drawer, and then calling him and saying something like, “Hey, I hear you’re a pervert and have photos of little 21 yr old girls in your drawer.” Unfortunately, he was there when I snuck up there so I just handed him the photos. =P Failed topper.

Today, when I walked in, on my desk were two gummy bloodshot EYEBALLS (one green, one blue) with the note “MY SMILIN’ EYES… ONLY THEY ARE TIRED…And different colors. : )” Who puts dismembered EYEBALLS on a desk? I got a good laugh, and vowed to top that one. My wheels in the brain are turning on their rusty axels.

When I lived with my friend Brian for 6 months in 2003, he and I had this “hide-the-alien” game. I have a foot-tall inflatable silver alien that’s positioned to hug things, like a koala bear. He and I had opposite work schedules, so we’d each arrive home and find the alien in a different spot of ours and rehide it in a spot of theirs. He placed the alien so that only his silver head popped up in the midst of my stuffed animals. I put it under his comforter and pillow so that when he pulled it back at nite, an alien squeaked at him. He put it hugging my TV antenna in my bedroom. I put it hugging his jacket arm in his closet. He put it hanging off the caddy in my shower. I deflated it and put it inside his bathroom medicine cabinet. I’d wanted to drain the water from the toilet and place it inside so that when he lifted the lid and the seat (we keep both down because my cat would drink toilet water otherwise), he’d be looking at an alien. But I was afraid he’d use the bathroom in a groggy state in the middle of the night and do something to it that would cause me to throw it away and deal with it nevermore.