Indicia that I really, really dislike housecleaning:
* I’ve taken 4 catnaps already (and I’m not one to nap)
* it’s suddenly really important that I review my gradeschool diary first
* I’ve spent a combined time of over an hour lying around “planning” housecleaning strategy for the most efficient use of time in all I need to do, instead of actually doing housecleaning
* I’ve spent a combined time of an hour staring at my face in the mirror and grooming my eyebrows and playing with my hair and overusing my tweezers
* I’ve considered how much easier life would be if I didn’t have cat hairs, cat litter, cat food, cat eye juice, cat vomit to clean up after, and instantly felt so guilty I spent 20 minutes cuddling with my cat (naked so that I don’t get cat hairs on me) on the upstairs hallway floor
* the laundry has been sitting in the dryer for over 1.5 hours now, ignored
* I’ve weighed myself and taken my bodyfat percentage 3 times since this morning
* I’m upstairs on my laptop blogging.