We were doing a family law court trial the last 2 days, in which a wife has filed for divorce against her husband. In testimony, it came out (among many other issues) that the husband is a frequenter of strip clubs and spends $1000/month on his drug habit. So we already know he’s a winner.

Yesterday, my reporter walked by and mentioned something about the respondent’s lifestyle. And then she added that he had been checking me out every time I stood up or walked to the filing cabinet. I said, “What is it about me that attracts these types?! We’ve both been there, done that, never again.”

Today, my bailiff said, “Didja hear what he did in his marriage, goin to strip clubs and stuff?” I told him yeah. He said, “I’ll tell ya somethin else he was doin. He was checkin you out.” I said, “That’s what [reporter] said yesterday!” He said, “Everytime you got up to walk out or went to the filing cabinet, he was lookin at your behind.” I said, “How do you know he was checking me out as opposed to just looking up when someone walks by?” He said, “I can tell where his eyes are, whether they’re lookin high or lookin low! Here they’re talking about his divorce and alimony and support and he’s not even listening cuz he’s lookin at you.” What is it about me that attracts people who like to abuse substances and betray their partners and frequent strip clubs?

This reminds me of a letter I got from a criminal trial defendant after he was sentenced to state prison (for beating up his step-sister) by my judge. Diana alluded to it in one of her recent comments on my blog. She jinxed me, haha! Well, like my ex had said, “Worry when they STOP lookin’.”