WARNING: Do not read this if you are in your 40s or 50s and sensitive about that fact.

Ex roommie/fitness trainer Brian asked me just now on IM, “So what’s next on your calendar?” I told him, Harry Potter on Saturday morning with my coworkers. Early Saturday morning. 7:30 a.m. early for something as unimportant as a movie that will be playing in the theatres for months. Knowing I’m not a morning person, Brian laughed at me, then explained that the movie is important to the kids.

Me: there ARE no kids attending! i’m the closest thing to a kid! everyone else is in their 40s and 50s!
Him: that makes it even funnier
Him: dont you know old people like to get up early and go to bed early
Me: yes, i’ve been noticing that.
Him: so they wanna go see it early so that they have time in the day to talk to their friends about it
Me: “That kid Harry Potter sho’ is a good boy!”
Me: “I wish my son were more like him.”
Him: if you go in the afternoon they have to wait till the next day to talk about it
Him: then they might forget parts
Him: lol
Me: that’d be funnier if it weren’t so true.

All right, so I’m creating bad karma over making fun of people a decade or two older than me. What’s karma gonna do, make me 40 one day? I know it’s rude of me to post this, but Brian knows I’m doing it cuz it’s too funny not to.