Thomas tagged me, so I suppose the result is that I have to list 5 random facts about myself. You’d think that wouldn’t be hard, but what new things can I put out there in cyber blog world that my readers don’t already know?

1.) My favorite author in elementary school, and I still have a bunch of her books that are falling apart and probably older than me, is Beverly Cleary.

2.) I knew I wanted to write when I was 7, mainly because my Aunt Jessica (my cousins Diana and Jennifer’s mother) shared her fantasy that I would be the next Amy Tan, and then she’d be interviewed and she’d say to the reporter, “It was all my idea! I told her she should be a famous author.” My first poem was written at age 7, when I was still struggling with the English language. It was inspired by a really pretty doll with a wind-up base such that it turns slowly and plays music, and the poem goes like this:
My little doll stands in front of me
With its glaring eyes and little feet.
Although I know it is quite old,
It still doesn’t have anything like the mold.

3.) I love watching phase changes in burning objects. I think fire behavior is almost the exact same but opposite of water, it’s like upside-down water with a reversed polarity. Watching things burn and change is endlessly fascinating to me.

4.) My rose-tinted lenses work the opposite from most people’s. Instead of having a “honeymoon” period, my rosy outlook is weakest in the beginning, and the blushing hue deepens the more I’m with someone. Some time into the relationship, I have to be seriously hurt by the person for those glasses to fall off, whereas in the beginning I’m almost looking for an excuse to jump ship.

5.) The quickest way to my heart is to get my quirky jokes and comments, and bonus points if you can play along.

Okay, now I understand I can tag other people. Those people I tag, if you decide to do this on your own blogs, please comment on this post and leave me a link or something to your tag entry. But I won’t take it personally if you guys don’t participate. I tag Mike, Diana, and both Jens (my cousin and my friend) and my cousin Mark in an attempt to get them to blog something, ANYTHING.