I’m blogging on my laptop off of my new wireless router! Yay! I’m too cheap to buy one so I’ve been “borrowing” internet access when on my laptop at home, but lately the reception’s just been horrible. Unless I want to get up, go to the den and turn on the desktop, I just skip blogging altogether when I’m at home.

This wireless router’s free. It came in one of those buy-this-laptop-for-a-bijillion-bucks, get-a-router-and-printer-free-after-rebates store deals. My mother wants a laptop for Christmas, and they already have wireless set up on their DSL, so I’m stealing the one that came with her package. I’m not sure whether to be impressed by her technological thirst, or annoyed at her frivolous impracticality and wastefulness, that she wants a laptop to play with downstairs in their living room despite the fact that she and my dad each have their own desktop set up right next to each other in their computer room.

In any case, I got a free wireless router! Yay! Well, it’ll be free in about 10 weeks, anyway, when the refund is processed and mailed to me.