Have you guys ever had difficulty being able to distinguish between a genuine relationship/friendship, and one that’s more etiquette-based in which someone is just being fake to get along? I never thought I did.

There’s a guy I work with whom I thought I was on pretty friendly terms with, something beyond just a mutual work location thing. We used to hang out after work or chat about pretty personal stuff. It occurred to me yesterday that maybe I think we’re better friends than he does. Well, yesterday wasn’t the first time it’d occurred to me, it was just the first time I really considered it as a possibility. And with that possibility, I felt bad that I may have been a bit presumptuous in my friendly behavior and comments to him. Maybe I should’ve just left him alone and stopped initiating the goofy, teasing contact. Call me sensitive, but I can only initiate so many times and be unacknowledged (he doesn’t exactly ignore me) before I start thinking that he doesn’t care to hear from me. This wouldn’t even have been on my mind except that apparently, my subconsious was disturbed enough about it to have created a dream last nite that resolved the issue. In the dream, we were at work and some holiday party function was going on, and we hung out and chatted and enough personal opinions and info were exchanged to make me comfortable that we were still in each other’s confidences.

Oh, well. I’m sure he’s busy, too.