Happy Chinese New Year! Happy year of the dog! Woof!

Saturday (hours ago, yes I realize what time it is), Mr. W had friends over most of whom I know and have hung out with already, and we had a game evening. Some people got drunk and had to be ushered out by their significant others. But over all, it was a lot of fun. We played Cranium and Loaded Questions. Loaded Questions is probably my favorite game. You get a group together, preferably the people know each other, and the person whose turn it is rolls a die to see what category of subjective question will be read. Then a question is read aloud, and everyone answers on their piece of paper what their personal answer is (e.g. “Given your current financial situation, what is the year, make and model of your next car?” I answered my usual, Volvo C-70, and guessed it’d be 2007. I then found my Volvo connection. A guy there used to work as the finance manager for Volvo and he can get me that car at a deep discount. I had been going on for YEARS about not having a Volvo connection.). The papers are passed to the question reader, and the reader of the question reads all the answers to the person whose turn it is, and the person whose turn it is has to guess who responded with what answer. Every one you guess correctly advances you one spot on the game board. Everyone left saying we need to make game nite a regular thing. I’ll say it was a success.