Vday dinner was very cool. I’d wanted to stay in to avoid paying 3x regular prices for overcrowded restaurants, so Mr. W made New York strip steak, rosemary potatoes, steamed broccoli, ciabatta bread, and for dessert was a Valentine’s cookie (heavy on the frosting) and chocolate cherry ice cream. We had dessert while watching a few episodes of Friends on DVD. It was the perfect evening.

I was all excited to give him his present, two Category 1 tickets to Cirque du Soleil’s “Quidam.” I said, “It was so hard to keep quiet about your gift for so long!” as I handed him the card with the tickets hidden inside a flap. (Miami seaport was doing Cirque’s “Varekai” show and he’d wanted to squeeze a show in either before the cruise or upon our return. He kept saying how much he liked Cirque du Soleil. Finally, upon our return, he passed on it, saying that he would not be able maintain consciousness in a 3-hour darkened show right now.) He claimed to know what I got him because he said I didn’t keep very quiet, especially not during the cruise. I was surprised. And then I bopped his arm for being a spoiler. But lo and behold, when he opened the card, he said, “Well. I didn’t know you were gonna get me this. I love Cirque du Soleil!” HA.

For my present, aside from the nice dinner and chocolate covered strawberries and cookies left for me yesterday morning, was a whole bunch of our cruise photos printed out and framed. I’d been saying I want to print out digital photos to put them up, but I never got around to printing them because I didn’t know what size to print them, because I hadn’t bought frames, which I will probably never get around to doing. The wood he chose match the wood frame around my huge Kinkaid painting in the staircase, and it also matches the wood on my bannister. Yay, I have home decor now!

I brought the extra prints of our photos to work today and everyone I showed them to remarked on how happy I looked.

Oh yeah. Mr. W’s daughter had bought us two tiny ceramic fish chopstick holders, a green one and a blue one, which she brought to me all proud, and then in her excitement in talking about how she found them, she waved her right arm into the air, knocked the green fish out of my hand, it flew over both our heads, and landed on the floor and half its tail broke off. She was aggravated. It was the cutest thing and I couldn’t help laughing at her.