“How’d you sleep last nite?”
“Like a donut.”
“How does a donut sleep?”
“With a hole in the middle.”

For the past 2 nites, I’ve gone to bed a bit past 11p but I’d wake up at 3a-4a and be up for about 3 hours, unable to fall back asleep until it’s like 6a and I’d finally fall asleep for an hour or so before getting up for the day. During the hole, I’d be wide awake, not tired, but it’s too early to get up and get ready, so I’d just lay there, stewing in my own thoughts. This would be the ideal time to have crazed weasel sex with someone and tire myself out, except nobody has donut sleep like me. I think the return of the donut hole in the middle of my rest is a sign of internal turmoil. (Duh.) I’ve been told that I just need to quiet my internal voices and thoughts. From experience, they’re only quiet if I’ve had a mental breakthrough (i.e. figured out a solution or theory that puts me at ease) or if I dump it all out via writing or blogging.

Funny thing is, I’m not tired today at all. I was hyper driving to work this morning, bopping along to my soundtrack to The Longest Yard. Probably just adrenaline.

Today has been a remarkably better day mood-wise than yesterday.