I am frrreakin’ exhausted, man. I just came back from my third workout of the day, 7th of the week. My trainee and I did weights at lunch, then I had jujitsu after work, after which Navy Girl Vanessa and I headed to the gym for a 5K (3.12 mile) run, and then we hit the steam room for 2 cycles. There’s gonna be hell to pay on my body tomorrow. I’m full of fabric burn from the jujitsu grappling today, too. On our way from the treadmill to the locker room, Navy Girl said, “We are bad-ass, man! [giving me a high-five] Two hours of martial arts, then we did a full 5K without a break.” Yeah, I guess that’s pretty good. But then, she’s 4-5 years younger than me, and I’m feelin’ 30. 3 more months to enjoy being in my 20s. *freak*