It still amazes me that women in their 40s and 50s can be so petty and so catty and so BORED that they’re going to gossip about someone who’s totally under the radar, and they’re going to say negative things to A SUPERVISOR that they made up on their own, and these people aren’t even FRIENDS with the person they’re talking about so they don’t have the inside information, and furthermore, their information is WRONG so they had to actually PUT IN the effort to LIE about something and someone! These people need to get a life, get laid, and/or get an anvil dropped on them. Why isn’t life more like a cartoon and less like a stupid soap opera? It’s so disheartening when I first came into contact with this crap/phenomenon 6 months ago, because I look up to women in their 40s and 50s because they’re, like, grownups! They’re like my parents’ age! And they act like elementary school kids with the gossip and the lying and the “if you’re friends with her then I’m no longer friends with you” and make people take sides as to who they can talk to?!…gawd. It’s sad that cattiness and pettiness isn’t something you outgrow.

But here’s the bright side. The more they talk, the worse they make themselves look, cuz people with brains WILL consider the source. And the more they talk about a particular victim, the better that victim looks, especially when there are lots and lots of victims all of whom have done no wrong and have strong, positive character traits that everyone else knows. And the more they want to talk crap and stay away from me, the less I have to bother staying away from them. So they can make all the effort for all I care. Go ahead. Shoot yourself in the foot. I feel sorry for you losers.