Jordan, having just discovered the joy of adding sidebar links to her blog, put up this link for a site called “The Sneeze.” The particular posts this links to is this guy experimentally eating really gross stuff he found in a supermarket. His humor is hilarious. I had to duck under my desk a few times so I don’t get disruptive while the judge and attorneys are discussing the new Civil case we just got this morning. He’s sardonic and dry and that barely veils the silly weirdness of the things he’s doing. I LOVE humor like that. My humor is sometimes like that. Like how earlier in the week I observed flatly to Mr. W over the cell phone upon my drive home from jujitsu that I seem to keep forgetting to inhale after I exhale, and that I may have fallen on the back of my head and injured my medulla oblongata. He, for some reason, called me a hypochondriac, not getting that I was saying this tongue-in-cheek.

Yeah, well, you had to be there. =P