The criminal trial we currently have in our courtroom involves one count of possession of marijuana for sale. The defense attorney had heard that I was recently in Jamaica and he joked that I should be a juror in this case since I’d just been around drugs. I told him that altho other people on the cruise have talked about being offered marijuana while we were docked in Jamaica, I wasn’t and that even tho everyone says how accessible drugs are to anyone, I’ve never been offered any and have no idea where to get them. (No one believes me, by the way.) I’ve never seen anyone do drugs, either. No one I know does drugs that I know of. The defense attorney said that drug dealers know to avoid me because I look conservative and academic, and they’d be afraid that I’m an informant. Eh??? An informant for the police? I thought about it and could actually see myself refusing an offer of drugs, turning around then calling the police on my cell and telling them that some dude just tried to sell me drugs. In real life I’d likely just politely refuse and walk away.

And then the DA (another young Asian female) and I got into a conversation about how we had never seen drugs prior to working for the courts and we’d never been offered drugs. She said she attended UC Berkeley for 4 years, where liberalism is supposed to run rampant, and she’d still never been offered drugs.

“Why, are you guys offended?” asked the defense attorney.

What, we look uptight?