Mon 1 May 2006
Happy May Day, people. On the drive to work this morning, a listener called the radio station and asked the on-air personalities what they think of “Mexican Day today.” He was referring to the planned walk-out Mexicans here are doing today for demonstrations and rallying downtown in protest to our present immigration laws and policies. The caller said he was “100% Mexican,” and that he’s in support of their demonstration, but feels that to make a real impact on the importance of Mexican immigrants in the nation, they shouldn’t just do the walk-out for a day; they should do it for weeks, or a month. The DJs said that if people demonstrating stay out for a week, they could lose their jobs, and the kids who walk out of school to support the demonstration long-term would be losing out on their education. The caller said, “But when you want something done, you need to be ready for the consequences. I say we get all us together and VOTE –” The DJs said, “But most of these people demonstrating can’t vote because they’re illegal, that’s what they’re rallying about –” The caller jumped in with, “Well, if it were up to me, I’d walk out there, have my Uzi and I’d point that around –” and the DJs cut him off there and said, “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Now what’s THAT gonna prove for you? Now if it were idiot walk-out day, I’d be on board for that!”
I’m exhausted, I can’t focus my eyes, and I couldn’t call in sick today because administration’s policy is that anyone not appearing at work today without a doctor’s documentation to verify actual ailment would be assumed to be acting in solidarity with the Mexican ditch effort and we’d be considered absent without permission/pay.
It’s not Mexican day today it’s “National Day without an Immigrant”, this includes all immigrants not just Mexicans. Just goes to show how big an idiot that caller is, the uzi was just the clincher.
The only things that I really want to know are: Will a day without immigrants also mean a day without chicken bones and other garbage being thrown on the street, a day without drug dealers peddling their goods in Harlem, a day without music blarring from apartments, cars and public parks? Will a day without immigrants mean that I can walk down the street without being harrassed by unemployed hispanic men cat calling all the women who walk by? Will a day without immigrants mean that I can have the quality of life I had before hispanics took over entire neighborhoods and devalued property? Will a day without immigrants mean that I can speak English at the bank and post office and be understood?
Kiki no it probably won’t mean any of those things except that you can’t get any carne asada tacos today because all the restaurants are closed.
It’s not the immigrants that are problematic to me, it’s the illegal ones. I think the ones like my parents who had to fill out papers, pass tests and wait years to come here appreciate it more. I have friends who work hard for companies sponsoring their work visas. The ones who come here illegally, undocumented, and who contribute nothing and just drain our tax dollars thru welfare and the justice system and then feel entitled to special treatment, those are the ones who bother me. I have no problems with them being here, I enjoy cultural diversity and most of all, food diversity; they just need to come here the right way. I also have a problem with illegal minors paying resident costs on college tuition, whereas if a US citizen from Arizona wants to attend a University of California school, he’d have to pay non-resident costs of many times more than what an illegal would pay.
i agree with Cindy. There are alot of good ones just like my parents, however there are alot of bad ones and i wish they would send those people some place further than their originally country of origin and i’m not just talking about hispanics, i’m talking about all immigrants that contribute nothing but a burden on my tax dollars.
For the record Kiki, all the problems which you stated is not typical immigrant behavior, for the most part the illegal immigrants who come to this country want a chance at success, but unfortunately are kept down by A) the small percentage of the problems which you mentioned. B)Bigots like yourself who fail to see and learn about other people and immediately stereotype an entire race of people thus not giving them the chance which your forefathers had, unless you are Native American
Mexican day.. lol. Here in my city, there were many people marching, from Mexicans, Cubans, Canadians (yep, Canada, Asians, Haitians, Jamaicans.. you name it.
I don’t mind immigrants as long as they have come here legally. I think a lot of people have misconstrued this march, in thinking that immigrants were marching because we wanted to kick them out of the country, but they were marching/protesting because they want to be able to cross the borders without any ‘process’.
It’s the illegal immigrants people have problems with. Okay well there are some people that have problems with immigrants period .. but you all came from someone ‘eh? Your great great great great grand-daddy wasn’t born here, (unless his name was Geronimo, who by the way, was born in what is called NEW Mexico today)
But I’m sure they did come here legally.
I had nothing better to do than lie in a hospital bed all day today, so I heard so many viewpoints on this. Comments I heard today:
“hey let’s all march over into Mexico and demand healthcare and food” (not sure I’d want mexican healthcare… and I can get tacos here)
If it were so great there, they wouldn’t be rushing into this country.
“what the hell is someone from Canada protesting for? she GETS free healthcare”
(she said she was supporting other immigrants and had no real complaints herself)
“those damn immigrants steal and pile 15 people in one house and have 5 cars out on the lawn”
(yeah, so do crack house whores and their pimp daddys not to mention some folks in West Virginia & Kentucky)
This is a very heated topic that i hope gets resolved real soon. Yestreday was labor day in Mexico and many people were protesting the immigration issue also but with a slightly different spin. They were protesting not because the people want to come here but because they want their goverment to help provide for a better life there, so that people don’t feel the need to come over to grab some US dollars.
Imelda marcos etc… there are good health care providers and bad healthcare providers in every country and mexican food is definitely better in Mexico and nice post.
Imelda – why were you lying on a hospital bed all day yesterday? Slacking off from work?
SportsGuy – I know all about healthcare in this and other countries, and since it does vary, I have no reason to travel for it (thus, I’ll stay here for my healthcare) 🙂 I’m sure the Mexican food in Mexico is better (I’d be scared if it wasn’t) but since I’m a huge Italian/Seafood lover, I’ll *settle* for the tacos here! We have a lovely Mexican restaurant down the road.. they dress up, they sing to you, play their guitars and ukeleles.. serenade around your tables while you eat mexican quisine.. I love it.
Ciao! (oh wait, that was italian)
No, I was rushed to the ER on Saturday and admitted..stayed until Monday night. Read my post about it on my blog.. I was skeeted.
I mean skeered… (and slightly retarded)
Imelda hope you get better real soon.
Thank you Sports Guy! I was released Monday night and I’m taking the next 2 days off to chill out and look for a primary care doc.
Cindy – do you know what The Man said when I told him the results of all these tests were? (mildly blocked carotids)… he said.. “well I guess all that kinky “strangle-me” sex is now out of the question for your next b/f”
RUDE!! (I’ve never done that anyway)
He is such a great friend… there is nothing he doesn’t find humor in.
Well, they do say that laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes good medicine doesn’t come from a doctor.
[…] I just found out this morning that on Monday, the day when immigrants supposedly all ditched work to make a point about their impact on the country (altho around here, the only immigrants that participated that I know of are Hispanic), the traffic was so light due to their disappearance that they did a news segment on it. Los Angeles traffic that Monday was compared to the traffic of the previous 2 Mondays, and the previous 2 Mondays were light already due to Spring Break. But that Monday, it was even lighter than those days. I’m not sure if this is the impact on our community these immigrants meant to highlight. […]