I’m working through lunch to get my work done so I can leave early today. Mr. W and I are going to Palm Springs for the weekend! It was such an impromptu thing that I still need to rush home and pack before we sit with the other pissed off people trying to get their cars to go east-bound. I’m bringing my own camera this time. Last year when we went, I figured I didn’t need a camera since he was bringing his, and during a hike we both ran back and forth and climbed up and down borrowing and handing back his camera as our artsy fartsy sides saw scene after scene of potentially great photo material. It’s supposed to be overcast and rainy this weekend at home, so we’ll see how it is in the near-desert. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to see some property out there I could buy for seasonal rentals, give myself another tax deduction and alternate income.