Look at me all bloggy today. Okay, okay, a lot of it has to do with writing enough posts to push down that hideous photo of my bruised flab.

5 minutes ago, seeing Mr. W online, I initiated an IM conversation:

Cindy: Guess who I love!
W: Whooo?
Cindy: Um….I’ll give you THREE guesses. =)
W: Are you my one and only Ultra Beautiful All Time Bestess Girlfriend?
Cindy: Okay, here’s a hint. He sometimes sounds like an owl.
Cindy: Yes, yes I am. Especially the All Time Bestest part. I really strive for that.
W: Yeah, I Love you too!
Cindy: I have to blog this and make people throw up.

Oh, come on! “He sometimes sound like an owl”! It’s a hoot! Why aren’t you guys laughing?