Argh! AAAAArgh! So apparently the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles is just handing driver’s licenses away to anyone now?! I almost got into 3 accidents today driving over to Mr. W’s that were not my fault! What happened to LOOKING before making a left turn? What happened to driving less than 50 mph in a residential area, and braking before turns? What happened to yielding? What happened to hitting your horn and having it actually respond with an audible noise?! That’s right. The insult to injury is trying to lay on my horn and the only sound created is the slapping of the heel of my hand on the steering wheel. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!

Every time I turn on my radio to play an SWV CD, something would happen. And I’d turn it off to call someone and bitch (on voice mail, cuz they’re not picking up). And then I’d turn the CD back on. Within minutes, something would happen again! Finally I popped out the SWV CD and put in Wham!’s “Make it Big,” and it took THREE songs to calm me down. Three! Three WHAM! songs! How pissed was I!!