SPEAKING of Paris Hilton, a coworker saw her today at, of all places, McDonald’s. “What’s she doing at McDonalds over HERE?!” people asked him. “How should I know?! I just saw her, that’s all.” I said, “She CAN’T go to McDonald’s. She has a contract with Carl’s Jr.” I remember reading about how a particular star who was the spokesperson for one brand of product had to sign a contract that he was not to be seen purchasing or using the competitor brand. My coworker said, “Maybe she was just going in to use the restroom, I don’t know!” So what happened was he was sitting in his police car at the Norwalk McDonald’s (across the street from work) driveway about to go in at lunchtime and she left her new silver Aston Martin sports car, took the long way so that she deliberately walked in front of his squad car to cross the parking lot to enter the walkway to McDonald’s. And she was wearing a skirt that was entirely too short. And of course he looked and of course said she was beautiful, altho he didn’t get a great look at her face full-on. I guess her ass and legs were beautiful.

This post’s for you, James, because you’re impressed by the unlikely “coincidences” that happen to and around me.