I wonder what it is about washing a car that makes it more effective than an Indian rain dance. Today, for instance, I’d only planned on washing and Zaino-ing the car (and I’m pretty excited, cuz I’d be Zaino-ing for the first time so I’ve put aside the entire evening for it; James said it should take about 4 hours), and this morning, it rained. I can’t even remember the last time it rained.

“Rain is OK if you are going to wash it today!,” James emailed. “Just hope it doens’t rain tomorrow. If it does you should walk to work instead to keep the car clean.”

Four-hour process, man! Wash, claybar, wash, polish, remove, polish, remove, polish, remove. I’m gonna take before and after photos. And NOT with my sucky cameraphone, either. (See previous entry’s photos of cats for sample of sucky cameraphone pictures.)