Funniest freaking thing I saw and heard all week.

I was walking back toward the courthouse from the parking structure after the gym. On my right was a small parking lot of reserved parking for privileged people only (supervisors, employee of the quarter, etc). A car blocked the only pathway through it, and a 20-something Hispanic female was standing in the open passenger door, talking to the driver. Finally, she closed the door and walked away from the car. She didn’t get but a few steps away before the entire parking lot and the area in front of the courthouse was permeated with a piercing kid’s wail, “waaaaAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” I looked toward the car in surprise, as with a bunch of attorneys, jurors, other patrons standing in front of the courthouse and sitting around the large planters. She kept walking. The kid kept screaming. A large black guy sitting on a bench in front of a planter said, “That kid needs a good ass-whoopin’.” The woman walked past him and said something to him, which I couldn’t hear because her back was to me. The man responded, “You don’t gotta do it now, but you OUGHTA do it.” I had to look away to hide my smile.

This was not the wail of an naive infant. This was the tantrum scream of a 4-5 year old boy who has no fear of authority.