Today, I heard something about a friend posting some disciplinary slip on his office door. His own office door. So I asked him about it. Turned out that it’s his son’s disciplinary note sent home. I asked him what happened. He said his son got in trouble for repeatedly punching some other kid in school.
“Already?! Isn’t your kid, like, 4? 3?”
“He’s two and a half,” my friend said. “And not just punching. He was also yelling out ‘Fuck you!’ ”
Gosh. And I thought parents only displayed artwork or high-grade test papers from their kids at work. And those things, even kiss-butt things like “I LiK my Dad becaus” lists that teachers make kids write, are at some discreet place like on a low wall next to a desk, not on the office door, for gosh sakes.
The proud dad pointed out, “But the teacher was very impressed that he had the coordination to punch this kid out at his age, and he did pronounce ‘Fuck you’ correctly AND use it in the proper context. He’s very advanced.”
I laughed because I thought I was supposed to.

Thanks to the friend who gave me permission to post this proud moment publicly.