I got thrown into a pretty busy courtroom for this week since my judge is on vacation (altho he did come in today, in a Hawaii shirt and jeans, to throw more work at me, I relate affectionately) and I’m still at work now!

Okay. Let’s see. What’d I do this weekend?

Friday – I don’t remember. Maybe we watched a DVD movie or something.
Saturday – In the morning, Mr. W repaired bike tires as I washed my car. Then in the afternoon, we met up with my gym trainee and her 10 year old son at Santa Monica Pier, where we rode our bikes down to Venice Beach, parked them, then strolled the street faire that’s always going on. I bought a 1.5ft-long hand-carved wooden (black rosewood) dragon for my parents for xmas, $175. We had dinner at a Mexican food restaurant on the pier, then separated. Mr. W and I wasted some time hanging out in the sand on a blanket in the thick fog before we left for home. Man, the fog rolled in suddenly! It was freezing and we couldn’t even see the water. Oh, and my crotch hurts. From the bike seat, pervies!!!
Sunday – Mr. W and I visited my parents, my mom steamed crabs, we ate like kings and queens. And then Mr. W and I went to Disneyland to stroll around and look at the Christmas decorations. We were there almost 3 hours and all we did was walk around and ride the train around the park once, and then rode Storybook Land on water once. “You want an exciting time at Disneyland, you come with ME!” Mr. W announced.

Okay, time to go home and do laundry. I suppose I oughta clean the house, too. This is all in preparation to go to Vegas for Thanksgiving to hang with Mr. W’s family. Hey, maybe I’ll run into Flat Coke & Flies there while she’s doing the Amandapalooza thing.