After what felt like weeks of teasing us with the prospect of putting up some soap post, Jordan finally did it. She wrote a terrific soap post, inspired by the original soap post on my blog. It took a lot of poking and prodding and convincing to get her to finally put the post up, because she felt that James and I overhyped the soap post demand and now she can’t meet everyone’s expectations (but of course she never fails to meet them, and still didn’t. Fail, I mean. Not that she didn’t meet the expectations. Forgive me, it’s late. Or really, really early.). It really deserves a read, if for nothing else than to look over her great little pictures, ESPECIALLY the picture of the prison soap.

I’m posting because her first image, an animated picture of colorful soap bubbles rising up, reminded me of the first time I played with bubbles. It was kindergarten in Taiwan. The teachers took us out into the cemented yard, where they’d set up stations of plastic and metal tubs on the ground with liquid in them. There were little plastic bubble wands, too. They explained what bubbles were and showed us how to make them, and then let the kids go station to station. Apparently there was this big bustle around one particular station where the kids gathered chattering excitedly about “rainbow-colored bubbles!” I’d walked around asking what this rainbow bubbles are, and some kids said that these blow out in different colors. So I looked really hard, expecting a red bubble, orange bubble, green bubble, blue bubble, indigo bubble and violet bubble to float around. But no, it looked like the non-multi-colored bubbles at the other station to me. It was also hard to see because these cheap-ass ghetto homemade bubbles just clustered off the wand and fell in a wad to the ground if they were even forming bubbles to begin with, altho much of the time the teachers and the aids just ended up blowing soapy liquid straight into the eyes of the mob of eagerly waiting Chinese kindergartners. *blink blink* “Ooh! Ah!” *blink* “Oh!” Stupid kids.

Now that I’m an adult and have immigrated over into this country, where bubble solution is produced by actual engineers under major toy manufacturers, I wonder: WTF is the alternative to a multi-colored bubble membrane? Did they actually have black and white bubbles?!

Apparently I’m kinda angry at this time in the morning. Or maybe it’s just memories of how much I was picked on at that age. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Maybe I need to wash it out with some prison soap.